Page 4 - DietaryPlan03
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convenient benchmark to help guide a healthier balanced diet. Some foods are known to be
                       more acidic than others, e.g., cheeses, processed meats, alcohol and sweetened fizzy drinks,
                       whilst others, like fruit and vegetables tend to supress acidity. Taken in the round, a mixed
                       and balanced diet of all of these foods can sustain a healthy body environment. So, my rule
                       of thumb is to eat predominantly organic vegetables and fruit, and only enjoy dairy, alcohol
                       and fizzy drinks as occasional treats, but not to eliminate them completely from my diet. It’s
                       important to occasionally enjoy a few small things in moderation, otherwise we feel like we
                       are punishing ourselves.

                   4.  Hormones. It is theorized, but not proven, for those with existing tumours, elevated or
                       excess hormones in the body might stimulate the tumour to faster growth. We all produce
                       hormones at levels natural to us, but plenty of foods we eat also contain hormones,
                       naturally or not. Partly for this reason, I decided to take sizeable step and not eat any farm
                       reared animals or fish. Given other factors already discussed, and that we do not know what
                       is in animal feed let alone the farmed animal or fish itself, I choose not to eat any animal
                       protein other than wild caught fish and shellfish. In addition, many plant-based foods
                       contain ‘Phyto-oestrogens’, some of which bizarrely behave in an 'anti oestrogenic' manner.
                       These lock onto receptor cells, blocking other oestrogens from being absorbed, theoretically
                       regulating levels in the body. I don’t pretend to know how these things work, but being
                       aware of vegetables that have antiestrogenic properties is useful to me. Some examples of
                       these include mushrooms, cauliflower, broccoli, sprouts, turmeric and curcumin. Again,
                       there is very little hard scientific evidence directly linking foods to increasing or lowering
                       hormone levels, yet given the overall picture, adopting a largely vegetarian diet felt the right
                       thing to do.

                   5.  Anti-inflammatory foods. Inflammation within the body can arise for a whole host of
                       reasons be it infections, torn ligaments, ulcers, cuts, sores and bruises, or from surgery,
                       where the body is actively healing and repairing itself. Inflammations create an environment
                       where cells replicate and repair from which some cancers might begin to develop.
                       Additionally, it is thought existing tumours may grow quicker in an inflamed environment.
                       Fortuitously, there are a whole host of foods thought to have 'anti-inflammatory' properties.
                       Some of these include for example red grapes and berries such as blueberries, strawberries
                       and raspberries; oily fish such as mackerel, sardines and anchovies; many vegetables for
                       example broccoli, avocado, cabbage, chilli peppers and mushrooms; and useful spices like
                       turmeric, cinnamon and extra virgin cooking oils.

                   6.  Antioxidants. Antioxidants are important because they help protect our cells from damage.
                       A poor diet can lead to heightened ‘oxidative stress’, whereby toxic by-products known as
                       free radicals form, which are thought to cause damage to the cells, potentially leading to
                       cancer. All foods contain natural pigments that gives them a unique colour. For example,
                       beta-carotene makes carrots orange, chlorophyll gives vegetables such as kale their rich
                       green colour. These pigments also act as highly effective antioxidants, reducing free radicles,
                       potentially keeping our cells healthy. Some examples of foods and drinks containing good
                       amounts of antioxidants include blueberries, strawberries, organic oats, potatoes, various
                       beans, broccoli, spinach, walnuts and green tea. Whilst again, there is no hard evidence that
                       antioxidants directly stop cancers from forming, these food choices intuitively blend well
                       with healthy living. In particular, I like to focus my diet around dark green, orange, red and
                       purple coloured organically grown fruit and vegetables, such as beetroot, aubergine, red
                       onions, sweet potato, kale, carrots, all cabbages, green beans, red grapes, blueberries and
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