Welcome to the Oxford Oesophageal and Stomach Organisation (OOSO). OOSO is a registered charity dedicated to supporting anyone affected by oesophageal or stomach cancer, and other serious upper gastrointestinal illnesses such as achalasia.​​​
OOSO is run by volunteers who have first-hand experience of these cancers, and subsequent treatments such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. OOSO provides friendly advice and sensitive support to patients and carers. All donations are gratefully received and help to sustain the charity and support the Upper GI ward and Chemotherapy Suite at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford.
OOSO does not limit its support to those in the Oxfordshire area - we are regularly contacted by patients and carers from all over the UK.
In addition to this website, OOSO provides a telephone support line that is available 7 days a week from 10am to 4pm. This is a confidential and friendly way to speak to former patients. Please note, this is not a medical advice line. Should you need specific medical advice please contact your GP or your Specialist Nurse at the hospital where you receive treatment.