18 Mar 2025
OOSO Annual Forum 2025
Great Milton Village Hall, OX44 7PD
Annual Forum
In recent years we’ve hosted various forms of an ‘Annual Forum’, an opportunity to get clinicians and patients together to discuss the things that matter to us – what research we think should be a priority, how patient care might be enhanced and what can be done to support the Upper GI clinical team.
Due to the challenges of getting people together and costs, previous forums have been relatively small do’s, so this year we’ve had a re-think. We’d like to be a little bit more ambitious and invite you all - our entire network to attend a late afternoon / early evening get together on Tuesday 18th March.
The event will hosted in the village hall in Great Milton, just south of Oxford close to the A40 and M40, post code: OX44 7PD.
There’s ample free parking by the hall with excellent accessible facilities and capacity for 100 people.
The event will commence at 4pm with light refreshments, with some short introductory presentations followed by an open discussion followed by a delicious buffet, bar and fun raffle, closing by 8pm sharp. This will be a good opportunity to meet clinicians and other patients and discuss things that matter to us.
There’ll be no charge or fee but to help recoup our costs we’d welcome a prize for the raffle table.
So far we have had a good response with approximately 40 people wishing to attend, so there’s still plenty of room for you and a family member or friend to come along.
Please let Matt know as soon as possible whether you’d like to join us, it’ll be a very enjoyable event. RSVP to info@ooso.org.uk