Change Log
This page provides a summary of the main changes that have been made to the site (it does not include details to OOSO community events which are updated on a regular basis)
November 2024
This change log and its link in the footer of the site pages
Further photographs to the cafe catch up and general galleries
Links added to the Support -> information booklets sub page to the European Society for medical oncology (EMSO) Patient guide booklets on
Oesophageal cancer
Stomach cancer
Immunotherapy side effects
Links added to the External resources section of the Diet and Wellbeing page to the Nutrition and Cancer of the Oesophagus and stomach videos (covering what nutrition is, why its important and how to cope with eating difficulties) produced by the Bristol Myers Squib​ pharmacy company alongside healthcare professionals, patient advocacy groups and Heartburn cancer UK
The Richard Owen presentation on changing therapy from the 12th November zoom meeting
September 2024
New Gallery on the OOSO community pages with photographs from the 2024 annual BBQ and bike ride​
July 2024
Split the previously combined Cancer and Treatment part of the site into two covering:
Cancer and Diseases with sub pages for:
Complex Benign diseases (with new content on Barrett’s oesophagus with dysplasia, Achalasia and Gastro-oesophageal reflux that requires intervention)
Treatment with sub pages for: