About OOSO
The Oxfordshire Oesophageal and Stomach Organisation (OOSO) was founded in March 2009 and became a registered charity in 2013. It is run by former patients and clinicians who:
listen to worries and concerns about cancer, the treatments offered and the future
offer information, advice, empathy and support to patients and carers based on our first-hand experiences
raise modest funds to sustain OOSO and invest in the Upper GI ward
This section provides a top-level view about OOSO, covering:
What OOSO does
OOSO provides support and information to new and recovering patients, carers, family and friends who wish to contact us.
OOSO maintains a network of current and former patients through its website, regular e-newsletters, support group Zoom sessions and social events such as monthly café catch ups, an AGM with lunch and an autumn BBQ.
OOSO maintains strong links with leading clinicians at the Churchill Hospital, including Specialist Nurses, Consultant Surgeons and Oncologists, Dietitians and Physiotherapists, who actively support our charity and welcome our feedback.
OOSO has a help line available between 10 am to 4 pm, 7 days a week, answered by former patients, for patients and carers seeking advice and support. If requested via a Specialist Nurse, OOSO will arrange patient and carer visits on the ward or at home, or by email, WhatsApp, Zoom or a phone call.
Fund raising is an important but secondary priority, needed to help sustain the charity, covering basic fixed costs, and for investment in hospital equipment and activities, enhancing patient care and recovery.
OOSO takes an active role in local and national cancer groups and forums providing input to new initiatives from a patient's perspective.
OOSO Goals for 2024-2025
Support Patients and Carers
Maintain the 7 days a week, 365 days a year helpline
Support patients and carers by whichever method they prefer - phone, WhatsApp, email, Zoom and or face to face
Host a Forum Dinner and an Autumn BBQ networking event
Expand our volunteer group ‘Friends of OOSO’ and develop the patient buddy system
Maintain 6-weekly 'Zoom' support group sessions inviting guest speakers
Launch our new website and ensure it is kept up to date
Circulate a regular e-newsletter
Provide input to the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) and Rehabilitation projects
Represent OOSO at various regional and national NHS patient focused forums.
Raise funds to sustain OOSO and invest in the Upper GI Ward
By 31 March 2025 raise a minimum of £10k (£3K running costs / £7K for investment)
By 31 March 2025 ensure a £30k reserve to sustain OOSO for future years
Raise the profile of OOSO
The OOSO team
Patron and Founder
Jackie Beaumont BEM
Former Patient
"In Oxford we are immensely privileged to have a world-class clinical team treating those of us who have oesophageal or stomach cancer. Led by Nick Maynard we are given exemplary treatment with outcomes amongst the very best in the UK. I am, but one of countless, happily surviving patients, and proud to have established OOSO to help support others going through difficult times."
Matt Carter B.Sc, M.Sc.
Chair of Trustees and main contact
former patient – retired
“As a former oesophageal cancer patient from 2014, treated and cared for so incredibly well, I am indebted to, and humbled by the medical team at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford. It is an honour to be a Trustee of OOSO where our aim is to embrace and support patients and their families through what is a traumatic experience. My role is to run the charity day to day, and make sure that new and recovering patients and their families are supported by us, as best we can.”
Professor Nick Maynard MS, FRCS.
Consultant Upper GI Surgeon
“The Oxford OesophagoGastric team was set up in 1997 and has become one of the largest such units in the country. The support provided by the Oxfordshire Oesophageal and Stomach Organisation (OOSO) to patients with oesophageal and stomach cancer plays a vital role in their treatment and overall recovery, and is a major contribution to the better outcomes we are seeing with this cancer in recent years.”
Anne-Margrethe Phillips BN, RN, LLM.
Upper GI Specialist Nurse
“I am writing on behalf of the Upper GI Specialist Nurse team at the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to endorse the clinical team’s support for the work that the Oxfordshire Oesophageal and Stomach Organisation (OOSO) offers to our group of patients, their families and carers. In addition to this, as a clinical team, we appreciate enormously the support for the hospital team itself and the provision of such an important service, which supplements the care that we offer throughout the patient pathway and gives hope to our patients. On a personal level, it is a great honour for me to be a Trustee of OOSO over so many years.”
Ann Dennis
Chef and Caterer, Experienced Carer
I first became involved with OOSO in 2016 after my dearest husband Rob was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer. Over the years we have been strong supporters of the charity attending regular meetings and helping with fundraising efforts. Following Rob's passing in 2020 I became a trustee of the charity in his legacy and have continued to raise vital funds and support the charity’s development.”
John Fishburn
Former Patient
"Since the diagnosis of my oesophageal cancer in 2018 and my subsequent journey through several operations, the treatment, care and support I have received from the medical teams at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford and OOSO have been nothing short of fantastic. It’s therefore great that I can give a little back by participating in the OOSO community and in helping to build on Roger Beaumont’s legacy through the maintenance and development of the website."
OOSO Volunteers
Former Patients
OOSO is very fortunate to have a small group of volunteers, called “Friends of OOSO” or just "Friends" for short who help from time to time with a variety of things such as hosting social and networking events, being a 1:1 buddy with a newly diagnosed patient in need of more support, leading a fund-raising event, proofreading and drafting documents for OOSO, offering professional advice, or being a patient representative on a clinical trial or study. Go to our Community/volunteer section for more details.
Because OOSO is a small, locally based charity, it doesn’t currently have the capacity or immediate need to host many volunteers, but it certainly does need a little help from time to time with the variety of things it likes to do.
These include, for example, hosting social and networking events; being a 1:1 buddy with a newly diagnosed patient in need of more support than a simple phone call; being our webmaster, or leading a fund-raising event, proof reading and drafting documents for OOSO, offering professional advice or being a patient representative on a clinical trial or study.
Being a volunteer comes with responsibilities for both the charity and volunteer, so whilst OOSO likes to be informal and low key, it has a volunteering policy and light-touch induction process. If you are interested, you can read our volunteer policy here.
Whilst OOSO is not actively recruiting volunteers, if you are interested and would like to talk through the options, perhaps where you might be able to make a difference, however small, then please do either email us here at info@ooso.org.uk or give Matt (Trustee) a call on â€07759 996969‬